
Brand clothing store in Moscow

Main > Projects > Brand clothing store in Moscow

List of completed works on the project:

the structure of the store was worked out and approved;
developed and approved a prototype;
based on the prototype, a design layout was made and approved;
registered domain and hosting;
pages are laid out and connected to the content management system;
added products, categories;
set up delivery and acceptance of payments;
for each page and each product, SEO is configured for organic promotion in Google and Yandex search;
the store is connected for indexing in Google and Yandex;
connected analytics in Yandex Metrica;
configured to back up site files and database (orders, lead forms) to cloud storage;
the store was handed over to the customer via Zoom with a recording of the broadcast and a detailed explanation of editing pages, products, adding new products and managing the entire store.

The task was to develop an online store for women’s clothing.

Requirements from the customer: the site should be concise, minimalistic, on the main page only everything you need, so that nothing extra distracts the visitor. And all the more detailed information should be on separate pages.

As a result, all the wishes of the customer were taken into account, as evidenced by the feedback received in the gallery above.

P.S. You can order the development of a website or an online store by clicking the button below.

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