
Brand clothing store in Moscow

Main > Projects > Brand clothing store in Moscow

List of completed works on the project:

The target audience for the store was studied, the websites of competitors were analyzed.
A structural diagram of the site was drawn up and a prototype was made.
Fonts, references, color schemes were selected and a design layout was developed.
All pages of the store have been laid out.
The layout is connected to the CMS for easy modification and addition of site content and products
Added all products and filled in their description.
Various payment methods are connected and delivery is set up by different delivery services.
Made the generation of invoices when ordering goods.
Performed basic search SEO optimization of the necessary pages and all products.
Excluded from Google search are those pages that should not be in the search.
The site was added to Google and Yandex search.
The site has Google analytics and Yandex metrics installed, as well as Facebook pixel.
The site has been protected.
Automatic periodic backup of the site and data to a remote storage is configured.
The site was handed over to the client via Skype with a detailed explanation of how to edit, add content and products to the site, and process orders.
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Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.