
Houseware shop in Prague

Main > Projects > Houseware shop in Prague

List of completed works on the project:

all pages of the store were laid out;
the layout was connected to the popular CMS (site content management system);
added all the products and completely filled out their description;
A blog has been implemented with articles divided into categories, which will positively affect the site's position in Google or Yandex search when new articles or store news are added.
connected the payment system;
set up a delivery calculation system;
when paying for the order, an invoice is generated;
basic SEO-optimization of pages, products and blog articles;
site added to Google search;
Google analytics and Facebook pixel connected
the site is protected;
configured automatic periodic backup of the site and data to a remote storage;
and much more...

We made another online store of tableware in the Czech Republic

This time it was required to develop a turnkey online store of tableware. Since earlier the store was made on the constructor and it was not convenient to administer it, and the client wanted to redo it.

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Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.