
Website for an agency organizing holidays in Prague

Main > Projects > Website for an agency organizing holidays in Prague

List of completed works on the project:

the received brief has been worked out;
the websites of competitors were analyzed and the target audience of the future website was determined;
based on the data obtained, a prototype was developed and approved;
a design layout was made and also approved;
the necessary pages were laid out and connected to a convenient admin panel, where the client himself will be able to change and add the necessary content;
implemented switching of 3 languages of the site (English, Czech, Russian);
basic SEO-optimization of the site pages;
automatic placement of posts from Instagram is connected;
the site is added to Google and Yandex search;
Google analytics and Yandex Metrics are connected to evaluate site performance;
periodic creation of backup copies of the site and their sending to a remote storage is configured.
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Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.