
Website of dentistry in Prague

Main > Projects > Website of dentistry in Prague

List of completed works on the project:

The brief has been worked out, the target audience and competitors' websites have been studied.
Website structure and prototype developed.
Selected references, fonts, colors for the site.
Based on the prototype, a design layout was made.
All necessary pages and forms have been laid out.
A convenient admin panel is connected for editing and adding site content.
Stripe international payment system is connected
A preliminary paid appointment has been implemented to prevent the human factor, so that there are no empty entries.
Performed basic search SEO optimization of all necessary pages and articles.
The site was added to Google and Yandex search.
Google analytics and Yandex Metrics are connected to evaluate the key indicators of the site.
The site has been protected.
Periodic automatic backup of the site and data to a remote storage is configured.
The site was handed over to the client via SKYPE with a detailed explanation of editing and adding site content.
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Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.