
Website for a Tattoo and Piercing Studio in Prague

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List of completed works on the project:

The brief has been worked out, the target audience and competitors' websites have been studied. Saved all the necessary information from the previous site
Website structure and prototype developed.
Selected references, fonts, colors for the site.
Based on the prototype, a design layout was made.
All necessary pages and forms have been laid out.
A convenient admin panel is connected for editing and adding site content.
The site is made in three languages: Czech, English, Russian.
58 blog articles were transferred to the new design
Retained 12 pages, but redesigned
Added 18 pages for information content
The booking system in the calendar has been moved from the previous version of the site, without losing existing bookings.
Performed basic search SEO optimization of all necessary pages and blog articles.
Excluded from the search are those pages that should not be in the search.
The site was added to Google and Yandex search.
Google analytics and Yandex Metrics are connected to evaluate the key indicators of the site.
Periodic automatic backup of the site and data to a remote storage is configured.
The site was handed over to the client via SKYPE with a detailed explanation of editing, adding site content and working with the booking CRM.

Developed website for tattoo and piercing studio HomieTattoo in Prague.

The customer asked to redesign the existing site. The task was to preserve the structure of the site, because the site was on the first page of Google search results and it was impossible to change page addresses so as not to reduce positions in the search. Moreover, it was also necessary to save the content of some pages and transfer the booking system to the new site, because there were customer records there. I had to, in addition to adding new content, introduce existing functionality and content into the new design. And of course leave the site multilingual.

The client held a photo shoot specifically for updating the site and listened to the advice on what photos are needed, which made it possible to make good images for the site, incl. for the 404 error page (this photo was taken at my request), as evidenced by the last screenshot in the slider above.

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Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.